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All You Need To Know About Crimp Pump

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Crimp pumps have become a very common liquid distributing technology over the years. It has received widespread use and appeal in the business and domestic sectors due to its effectiveness and efficiency.

The fragrance and perfume sector, however, accounts for the majority of its use. Its capacity to equally disperse an extremely small volume of liquid over a wide surface area accounts for this.

Do you desire a dispensing pump that sprays liquid in minute droplets over a big surface and distributes them evenly? If this is the case, we recommend investing in a high-quality and effective crimp pump.

In this article, you  will find out everything you need to know about crimp pumps. Starting from what they are,  how they work, their components, and how to fix a clogged crimp pump.

crimp pump

What is a crimp pump, and how does it work?

A crimp pump is a liquid dispensing pump with a spraying mechanism that dispenses a tiny volume of liquid over a vast area.

Crimp pumps function by creating a difference in pressure between the inside and outside the bottle utilizing the principle of suction. The liquid is sucked out of the bottle as a result of this action.

When the cap is pressed, the squeeze bulb inside the cap is squeezed as well. As a result, the air in the bulb is driven into the feeder tube, which is in direct contact with the liquid.

After that, a negative pressure builds up inside the bottle, pulling the liquid up through the feeder tube and nozzle.

The liquid is converted to minute droplets that are suspended in air as it passes through the nozzle. The resulting mist is rapidly distributed across a large area.

Components of a crimp pump

1. Nozzle:

This is the outlet of the crimp pump. It is the opening end of the horizontal tube that the liquid passes through. The restrictions at the opening of the nozzle has a venturi effect on the liquid.

This restriction allows only a small amount of liquid to be released and dispersed widely over a long distance. The nozzle is usually made of either plastic or metal.

2. Squeeze bulb:

This is a bulb that has a one-way valve at the two closures. It briefly stores air. Whenever pressed, the valve prompting the feeder tube open and air surges out.

Yet, when delivered, the valve driving external opens and air fill the bulb once more.

3. Feeder tube:

It is the vertical tube that is connected to the nozzle and the squeeze bulb. It is partially submerged in the liquid.

How to fix clogged crimp pump?

Firstly, remove the spray cap by gently pulling it off the stem. Clean the nozzle's exit alcohol and a cotton swab.

Then use a fine toothpick dipped in alcohol to clean the inside underside of the cap. Finally, replace the cap and give it a try.

Purchase premium quality crimp pump from us today

Fengrui spraying plastic industry have a team of experts who are skilled in making premium quality crimp pump that and be used for diverse liquid products.

Whether it is for body spray, air freshener, glass cleaner, and even disinfectant, our crimp pump got you covered. Kindly click here to view our products.


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